Chachapoyas: Beto Ortiz attacks the authorities for impunity after the tragedy in Amazonas | Gilmer Horna | Shows


Fifteen days after the tragedy of Chachapoyas, in which six schoolchildren lost their lives after a bus of the GH bus company fell into an abyss, the journalist Beto Ortiz insulted the authorities for the apparent impunity that prevails in this case, after that the mourners reported that they had received money so that they did not take legal action.

As the communicator said in his show "Beto to know", the accident was only "the news of the day" and everyone soon forgot that there was even two minors interned at the children's hospital.

"Can you imagine what would have happened if, instead of being six 14-year-old children, football players Chachapoyas, were children here, say (they are) from Miraflores, San Isidro, San Borja, there would surely be a scandal, […] but since it 's there, on the mountain, everyone' s plugged in. It's sad, but it's true, "Ortiz said.

Similarly Beto Ortiz has launched strong criticism against national authorities, such as the Minister of Transport and Communications, and local authorities, such as the Regional Governor of Amazonas, Gilmer Horna, who is also the owner of GH Bus and the relatives accused of handing over money, through their lawyer, through extrajudicial transfer, to relatives of deceased children so that they do not initiate any request in this case.

"And this regional president, who has his face painted, nobody calls him, he is very happy because, in addition to being the regional president who manages Amazonas as if it were his farm, he also owned chicken chains. , transportation, schools, and no one asks why he has so much money, is the Regional Presidency such a good bargain, and what is the origin of Gilmer Horna's sudden enrichment? […] Two thousand soles, three thousand soles for each, and life goes on, "Ortiz concluded.

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