School Enrollment 2019 | Indecopi: These are the only payments that must be made in private schools | Peru


The educational centers private companies are not allowed to collect the right of entry, registration and monthly pensions, alerted on Tuesday Indecopi. The institution urged parents or guardians to consider this information when recruiting educational services.

They specified that educational institutions they should only charge the entrance fee once when the student enters the school. The registration, which is an annual payment corresponding to the enrollment of the student must not be greater than the pension; and, the monthly pension should not be charged in advance.

In addition, private schools are prohibited from requiring parents other than the aforementioned payments. They pointed out that schools can only require the payment of extraordinary costs with the prior authorization of the school. Ministry of Education (MINEDU).

If the private schools decide to increase pensions for the following year, according to the Code of Consumer Protection and Defense, they must inform parents of this situation in writing, before the end of the school year and during the registration process In the same way, you will have to inform them of the amount, the number and the dates of payment of the pensions.

Before s & # 39; register minors, it must be checked whether the school is duly authorized by the MINEDU.

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