Peru and Chile have signed 14 agreements after the second binational government in Santiago | World | Internationale


Governments of Peru and Chile signed, product of II Binational Cabinet which took place today in Santiago, 14 agreements that were considered by President Martín Vizcarra as concrete measures that will become benefits for both countries.

"We have not only discussed and expressed our commitment to achieving a common goal in the pursuit of the development of our peoples, but also sustainable development and with a vision of the future," said President Martín. Vizcarra.

According to the head of the Peruvian state, development rests on solid foundations such as the defense of democracy, human rights and the defense of free and international trade.

"All this commitment is not limited to the air. […] 14 agreements. But in addition, it was agreed to honor 133 commitments. This is more than the commitments made at the Lima meeting in 2017, "said President Martín Vizcarra.

The commitments mentioned were taken in the framework of the five axes mentioned by President Vizcarra in his closing speech of the Second Binational Cabinet: Social Affairs and Culture for Integration; security and defense; foreign trade and tourism; energy and mining issues; and development, border integration and infrastructure issues.

In turn, the President of Chile, Sebastián PiñeraHe said relations between the two countries were going through a great moment.

"I wish to propose that we unite our wills and visions to build together the brightest and most inspiring pages of relations between two sister countries, Peru and Chile," said the Chilean president.

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