ONPE: you must therefore locate your polling station on December 9th | DNI | 2018 Referendum | Peru


Voters who participate in 2018 Referendum and the second regional tour they will again place their polls in the alphabetical order of their paternal family name and not according to the voting group on the back of their National Identity Document (NID).

This was reported by the National Office of Electoral Processes (ONPE), which indicated that this modality had already been used on 7 October in the first regional elections.

The electoral body has specified that a gigantografía will be placed in polling stations, which will contain the list of polling stations and will be ordered alphabetically by the initial of the paternal surname. Similarly, the pavilion, the floor and the classroom will be indicated to facilitate the location of their polling stations.

This mechanism was created because of the confusion that voters had by comparing the voting group of their DNI with the number of the polling station, which sometimes did not coincide.

The head of ONPEManuel Cox indicated that alphabetical identification had already been used in previous processes, as it is easier to locate classrooms and polling stations by name and last name.

The ONPE He recalled that the elections will take place from 8 am. until 4 pm, he therefore recommended that citizens go to the polls early.

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