TV Azteca confuses the scene of Captain America with the news


Alejandro Villalvazo presented an accident of which he did not know the causes, but the Internet knew it.

In the news of the Azteca Hechos Meridiano television channel, directed by Alejandro Villalvazo, the presenter gave way to a video showing a freight truck accident that relaxes from the cabin and overturns a bridge.

"What happened? Who knows. Nobody was able to explain it," commented the pilot of the show. However, we know what happened: it was a terrorist attack, but a fictitious one. This scene is from the movie Captain America: Civil War.

In the first minutes of this episode of the Avengers saga, a group of Crossbones terrorists attack a military base in the city of Lagos, Nigeria. The shot used in the Azteca newscast comes from a distant shot, pre-dating the post-production work, but here's the entire scene.

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