Trujillo: Venezuelan youth died after undergoing a handshake at the plane oil in a beauty salon | PICTURES | Photo 1 of 3 | National


The Venezuelan citizen Fanny Kaina Solís Peraza (23), arrived in Peru three months ago, died after receiving an injection of oil to increase her buttocks, in a beauty salon,Trujillo

Solís Peraza had gone to the "Nico" beauty salon, located on the second floor of the El Virrey mall, which would have offered him to do the lacrosse augmentation work at a modest price.

After applying oil for the plane, the Venezuelan woman returned home, but after a few hours she began to feel deeply uncomfortable that a person of the same nationality took her urgently to the hospital. regional Trujillo, where he died in the intensive care unit (ICU).

At the hospital, the duty doctor diagnosed the deceased who had had a severe allergy leading to his death in the hours that followed.

After the death of Solís Peraza, the police arrested "Nico", identified as being Nixon Angulo Chávez, in an avenue of Trujillo

When he intervened, Angulo Chávez agreed to supply the plane oil in the buttocks of the Venezuelan citizen of her beauty center. "Nico" has been denounced for the crime against life, body and health, to the degree of homicide.

He is currently detained in the Alcides Vigo Police Complex in Trujillo, while investigations are continuing.

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