Av. Brazil: a truck is broken in two after trying to pass under a pedestrian bridge Trade | Lima | Accidents


A refrigerated truck was split in two after attempting to pass under the bridge between the Avenues of Brazil and La Marina, in Free people. The hopper of this heavy transport collided with the structure and caused a spectacular accident.

According to RPP News, the vehicle of the company "Grupo Toscanos", manufactured in the plate AYK-724, exceeded the authorized height (2.80 m), which caused the accident. According to the report, the hopper had a height of 3.18 meters.

The truck transported several boxes of potatoes that fell on the track, causing traffic jams. Until the arrival of the place, the National Police (PNP) and serenazgo have the objective of reducing traffic.

The bridge, located at the intersection of Avenida Brasil and Avenida La Marina, is a frequent theater of accidents of this type. Many drivers do not respect the maximum height indications and that is why the bridge has been rehabilitated several times.

Last week, a truck carrying a cargo, whose height was higher than authorized, demolished a pedestrian bridge in the district of Comas and left at least ten wounded, two of them in serious condition. The impact caused the collapse of the pedestrian structure located at kilometer 21 of the Panamericana Norte and the fall on a vehicle.

In addition, last October, three people were injured after a two-level interprovincial bus from the Oltursa company crashed on the Villarán bridge in San Isidro. Once again, the driver did not respect the authorized height.

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