Javier Carmona: Tula Rodríguez reacts to criticism that she would not be with her husband for a moment of delicate health | VIDEO | Photo 1 of 3 | Shows


Tula Rodríguez is stronger than ever. Although the condition of her husband, Javier Carmona, is still reserved after a heart attack a few months ago, the TV host has resumed his duties in the show "In Boca de Todos" and tries to spend as much time as possible with her daughter.

For that, Tula Rodríguez He decided to answer all those who criticize his behavior. Some point out that the wife of Javier Carmona must be at his side and does not work on television. Given this, the driver decided to answer.

"And that I stay in my house crying?" I can not, it also serves learning to all, for my daughter too. That does not mean it does not hurt. Of course it affects us, I get sick every time I talk about the subject, but I can not stop, "he said. Tula Rodríguez.

In addition, the driver said that with her example, her daughter Valentina will also learn to become a strong person in times of adversity. Tula Rodríguez He said that the trials of life can be difficult, but it is certain that they will succeed.

"I have to teach my daughter that, even if you feel that the world is coming to you, you have to follow it, the one above is testing and I'm sure you'll get by with this test," finished Tula Rodríguez.

Tula Rodríguez on criticism

Tula Rodríguez on criticism

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