Is it true that newly married couples are getting fatter?


Many newlyweds often grow up shortly after marriage.

The popular wisdom says that once the man is married, the belly appears and the woman rolls. Studies like the one approved by the Spanish Society of Overweight and Obesity point out that the single has more motivation that the bride and groom to stay in shape.

It is very common for couples to wear their type on their wedding day, perform all kinds of diets and do more exercise than usual. They manage to lose weight, but it also happens that already with the contractual alliance in hand, they grow and reach even greater weight than when they were single.

It also happens that as a single, the routines and obligations are different and change once married. For example, if you went to the gym or went for a walk after work, you may now prefer to sit down and have a snack that your partner has prepared for you.

Maybe the food your husband is carrying is completely different from yours and has different schedules. Once together, it happens that one of the two pleases to the other one bends to his way of feeding himself, thus modifying his diet, that it is more or less healthy.

They start new routines that may not be very healthy, like eating out, staying at home and ordering something to eat or snack while watching a movie on the couch and, you know, snacks, soft drinks, alcoholic beverages, pizzas have a high calorie index.

On the other hand, from the age of 30, the metabolism changes. We tend to accumulate more fat than at 20 years old. It is therefore important to maintain a healthy diet and avoid sedentary lifestyles to prevent this effect from multiplying after marriage.

The psychic component can also have an influence, as the marriage produces a feeling of tranquility that enhances the appetite and assimilation of ingested food.

However, the opposite can happen. Marriage is not synonymous with overweight or obesity. An example of this is where both love to take charge, play sports and adopt healthy routines and lifestyles.

Some tips for living a healthy life together from the beginning:

  • Communication and common objectives: Agree on healthy habits that you can adopt in your married life, set common goals. How to lose weight or not to increase.
  • Plan: Set up a weekly menu, balanced according to the preferences of both (to make sure that the food is balanced is to divide the plate into four, half of the plate should take up cooked vegetables or in salad , the second half of the plate they should share the flours and proteins), draw up a shopping list and avoid escaping from it.
  • Find activities in common: Go for a walk or go to the gym or other physical activity that you both love and enjoy doing.
  • Eat healthy: prepare food together, make the choice of foods based on what they like, but in good health. With homemade food, you learn and control the serving size and the amount of fat and sugar added to the food.
  • To eat outside and in good health: choose places that offer healthy options, such as roast or cooked meals without added fat, small portions, they are too large to be shared or separated to be taken home.
  • Respect the times: If your partner is not ready to change his eating habits, be patient, everyone has a different time to adapt to changes. It's not easy, but you can start with small changes that already make the difference. You can help respect their time without judging and try to influence it in a positive and motivating way.
  • Make plans without food: Look for different routines or activities that appeal to you but do not always relate to food.

Why not try to be a couple in love, healthy and happy? From the beginning of the marriage, we must be aware of the importance of living together to create good habits, to take care of our well-being and our health, as well as that of our partner.

Obesity is not a good thing for us, it is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, but this should not happen if we make good decisions in principle.

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