Ex of Said Palao breaks his silence and responds with everything to Macarena Vélez!


She did not stay silent. Ex-Said Palao decided to break his silence and speak for the first time of his enmity with Macarena Vélez. In dialogue with Instandula, Aleska Zambrano clarified whether or not he had sent hints to the ex-fighter and discussed his current relations with the fighter. Do you still feel something for him?

"I have nothing to dedicate to anyone who does not exist in my life The only one that exists and will exist in my life is Said and with him, everything is fine, we are talking about babies, he comes and is with her, he takes her out of the nest, etc. The problems we are trying to face as best as we can for our baby, "Said Palao's ex-official said.


He also made it clear that he felt nothing for Said Palao. "If I am very angry at everything that it implies, because, as I told you, the only person who exists in my life for me and Caetana is his daddy and it will always be like There is no other kind of feeling between us than our love for our daughter, "added Alezka Zambrano.


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