Jaime Yoshiyama is already registered in Interpol's international search and seizure system | Politics


The International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) Peru already has in its database, under the figure of people benefiting from international research and capture, the former secretary of Fuerza 2011 (Fuerza Popular), Jaime Yoshiyama, investigated by the case Odebrecht.

As you recall, the judge of the first court of preparatory investigation Richard Concepcion Carhuancho He has been in detention for 36 months against Yoshiyama Tanaka, which is in the United States.

Sources of Interpol They indicated that they had already received the notification and that it was attached to the confidential system that could be consulted at the international level.

When asked why the name of Yoshiyama Tanaka is not yet visible on the official page of Interpol Based in Lyon (France), they indicated that this did not necessarily appear immediately.

As noted, Interior Minister Carlos Moran said that all "international roles had already been activated for this person to be detained".

Yoshiyama Tanaka The justice of our country is required to face the investigation for alleged wrongful contributions that the leader of the PF, Keiko Fujimori, allegedly received during the 2011 election campaign.

In this campaign, Yoshiyama Tanaka he served as general secretary and according to the version of OdebrechtHe would have been one of those people to have received 1 million US dollars.

Humberto Abanto, defense of Yoshiyama, reported that his sponsor could not return because he had been subjected to a postoperative examination in the United States.

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