Aspirin could be used to treat multiple sclerosis, study finds


Aspirin could be used to treat multiple sclerosis, study finds

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Aspirin could be used to treat multiple sclerosis, study finds

The aspirinlow dose, could reduce the severity of symptoms and abnormalities of the immune system of patients with multiple sclerosismultiple, After a proven experiment in an experiment on mice, according to a study published today in the journal Science Signaling.

According to the survey, the aspirin administered orally to laboratory mice reduced the severity of symptoms, brake myelin degradation and inhibited cell infiltration into the spinal cord.

The quantity of aspirin applied to mice equates to a dose of the infant version of the drug in adult men.

The multiple sclerosis multiple is a degenerative disease that affects more than 2.3 million people worldwide and the cause of which is the loss of myelin, a protein of the nervous system responsible for the transmission of electrical impulses and the protection of neurons.

Researchers from Rush University (Chicago) have discovered an unknown effect of this drug commonly used to relieve pain.

With a small amount, the aspirin could stimulate the production of positive cells for nerve transmission, while slowing down the activity of these malignant cells -Tregg- that attack the nervous system, degrade the mile and are responsible for the imbalance that causes the multiple sclerosis multiple

The scientific team, led by Susanta Mondal, emphasized the safety of the active ingredient in the aspirin and its ease of administration, so could be reused as supportive therapy for patients of multiple sclerosis multiple and other autoimmune disorders associated with dysfunction of the same Treg cells.

More news on MSN:

4 Ways to Use Aspirin at Home ActitudFem Video.



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