Sports University: Crew Team Negotiating with Uruguayan Globalist for Decentralized 2019 | Photo 1 of 5 | The sports


You want to arm everything! Sports University he wants to forget the bad campaign this year. The cream directive plans to finalize the signing of several names whose dossier will again become the leaders of the Decentralized 2019 .

University He fought until the end of the season not to go down to the second division. Recently, he had the opportunity to classify Cup of South America to mitigate the consequences for the embarrassing tournament that they played, but they did not succeed.

According to the newspaper Depor, world Cup Uruguay, Álvaro González , was offered at the merengue store. The & # 39; Tata & # 39; which currently belongs to National of Uruguay, has returned to South America to have more minutes of play and return to the selection 'charrúa'.

The aforementioned means ensure that there is very little left for the two parties to reach an agreement. In addition, the probable output of Archimedes Figuera would leave open a quota of foreigners.

But the names of Christofer Gonzales, Danilo Carando, Aldair Salazar and Jose Manzaneda are also mixed. Is there another star for creams?


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