Arequipa: the statements of the former director of PNP, Raúl Becerra, after their release | Peru | Arequipa


The former director of the national police, Raúl Becerra VelardeWas he from those who were captured on November 6 when he was accused of joining an alleged network of criminals who sold minors? Arequipa. On the night of Friday, 23 November, Judge Danitza Sánchez Herrera, of the first preliminary investigation court of the Court of Justice of Arequipa, Released Becerra and eight other seemingly simple defendants.

For the magistrate, the prosecution had not been able to prove the existence of a criminal organization because it did not specify its purpose or the role of each member.

In an interview with Trade, Becerra He stated that he would act against the Attorney General for the damages that he would have caused her. According to the prosecution, the five – month – old child they found at her home was bought by the couple from the former director of the PNP, Cinthia Carolina Tello Preciado. At home, they also found S / 118,000 in a closet.

The Office of the Prosecutor against Organized Crime accused the Becerra to be the financier of the organization. During the remand hearing, which ended last Friday, he stated that he had been deceived and had been led to believe that the baby was his daughter.

– The day of the intervention, they found S / 118,000 to their home, what is the origin of the money?
Yes, they found it in my closet. This is a sum of legal money: S / 100,000 corresponds to the sale of the department and S / 18,000 came from my salary.

-If the sale of your apartment took place in 2016, why did you keep the money in your closet?
Because I had the intention of buying an apartment, but it was expensive and I met to have a good initial. When the public prosecutor arrived, I showed them where the money was.

-You are accused of being the financier of the organization …
But I showed the judge, with the purchase-sale document of the department and with the vouchers of the banks, that this money was lawful.

-When they arrived in Arequipa, what activity was conducted by Cinthia?
From 2012 to 2014, he devoted himself to the home. Starting in 2015, he begins to make the company of events and shows.

– You did not accompany her to do the ultrasound or their checks when she was pregnant?
I asked her several times to accompany her, but she left early and returned at night. Going to work, he did it and told me everything was fine. She was in a state, but I never knew when she lost her.

– With the surveys, do you know how he lost the baby?
It was a natural loss during a trip to Trujillo. Since he did not want to cause disappointment to the family, he was hiding everything.

-When should your daughter be born
They had scheduled for May 19 and we (with Cinthia) I wanted to accompany her to the clinic. But he went ahead for the 18th. That day, I went to the friend engagement and when I got home around midnight, I found my partner in bed and the baby in a crib. There was also the driver (Roque). I asked "what happened?" He told me that the delivery had taken place and that he had been helped by his friends.

– He did not ask why, did he see anything suspicious?
I asked him "why did not you call me?" and his answer was that he was suffering so much and that he was not there to make calls. Immediately after learning of the baby's birth, I called my family to inform him. I posted it on WhatsApp, on Facebook and I introduced it to my friends as being my daughter, without knowing it later.

-The prosecutor assures that the baby has been treated as a commodity.
What happens is that my wife, while she was working, took my two daughters and because she had Mrs. Charo, she took care of them. It was not abandoned and did not remain in the hands of the driver and Charo. The prosecutor exaggerated.

-Because they were late in enlisting her as a girl (she was born on May 18, she was registered on May 30)
After 10 days, my partner asked for my DNI and told me that the driver was going to carry out the whole procedure because he maintained friendly ties with the municipality. He took photocopies of water and electricity bills. A few days later, he tells me (Cinthia): "Roque has already made all necessary arrangements in the municipality, just go sign," and we were both. The lady of the municipality said that she would give us the game in five days and that Mr. Roque was going to register him at Reniec.

-Why did not you accompany your partner in this process?
The driver did all the management in the municipality, I just went to sign and leave my fingerprint.

– There was such a level of trust with the driver as to charge him with family problems?
Like he was with her all day, because he mobilized her everywhere. I imagine that she had the confidence to order this documentation. It did not surprise me that he made the necessary arrangements.

How many members of the supposed organization do you know?
Of all the people involved, I know two of them. To Roque, who is the driver, and to Mrs. Charo, who helped my partner's work and cared for the girls.

– Will the baby's birth certificate be canceled?
Yes, Friday (last) the application for paternity disaffiliation has been filed. I can not take responsibility for my last name when she has other parents.

– Are you going to sue the prosecution?
Yes, once the investigations are completed, I will take the corresponding measures. It is not fair that they consider me as the financier of a criminal organization that treats babies. I am a victim of this situation.

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