Offenders in a motorcycle taxi fly 7 days a week and hang 5 month pregnant women | Lima | Police


A 5-month-old pregnant woman is at risk and may lose the baby on hold after being dragged 15 meters by three criminals on a motorcycle taxi. Tie.

The assault occurred around 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Cinthia Huamán (28) was with her husband, who had gone to a pharmacy to buy. At that time, criminals seized the wallet where he was carrying $ 7,000.

"She started screaming, I did not want to drop the wallet and at that moment, the bike dragged him about 15 meters," said Roosevelt Calero, the victim's husband, in communication with ATV + . They went to a mechanics shop where their vehicle was.

She commented that she was bleeding and that neighbors helped her. The police followed the criminals on patrol and managed to capture two of the thugs. According to the news channel, it would be Israel's Israeli Quispe Sánchez (21) and Franklin Rojas Calero (23). An accomplice managed to escape with the money stolen.

Moreover, the mother who is expecting her third baby, who is a girl, is admitted to the Huaycan Hospital with a reserved prognosis.

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