A city council candidate accused of posting a topless photo of his wife after issuing a restraining order: report


A St. Paul's City Council candidate in Minnesota on Saturday is accused of posting a photo of his wife on the campaign's website after filing an injunction against him for spousal abuse, according to reports.

David Martinez, 38, an independent, is accused of sharing the image of his topless wife on a beach with a description of their marital conflict on the blog section of his campaign website

" Yesterday afternoon, the County Sheriff's Department of Ramsey visited me at work … They submitted a restraining order that my wife had filed with the District Court, "read the letter. 39, blog post, as seen by Fox News. "Yesterday afternoon, the Sheriff's County Department of Ramsey visited me at work and handed me a restraining order that my wife had filed with the district court. "

– David Martinez

The author accused the wife of fabricating and fabricating" most of the testimony contained in the restraining order "which was attached to the publication. "I'm shocked and amazed that someone can tell a story just in. ur be able to chase someone from his own home and take the kids. "

He told KARE11 on Sunday that his campaign blog and his social networking accounts had been hacked. According to The Star Tribune, the affidavit of his wife claims that he physically assaulted her on July 4th in the basement while the children were upstairs, alleging that she was not safe. he had followed her to the laundry room, had her caught around her neck and had pushed her

The wife said that she left the house after Martinez threatened to throw her physically, then she called the police so that she could take the children and pick up personal items. "I'm worried about David's behavior and I'm scared for myself and our children," she said, according to the newspaper, "he's become more erratic, verbally violent and aggressive." [19659013] "I became more and more fearful and concerned about David's behavior and I'm scared for myself and for our children … He became more erratic, verbally violent and aggressive.I would describe his behavior as" unbalanced. "

– The wife of David Martinez

The wife noted that Martinez had acquired a mass and a BB gun just in case" someone would make him a grimace "

St. Paul Mayor Melvin Carter urged Martinez Sunday to abandon the race as a result of the controversy, reported the newspaper" Twin Cities Pioneer Press. "The behavior of David Martinez is disturbing and n? has no place in our city, "Carter said in a statement. I wish the best to his family and to the entire community as we heal the harm that his actions have caused. He should leave the town council race immediately.

Martinez was also arrested and banned for one year from Target Field Stadium on July 6 for disruptive behavior. The day before, he was arrested and banned from the Central Library George Latimer

The candidate shared a video of his meeting with the stadium security guards filmed on his mobile phone, claiming that he had been "assaulted by the security team."

of color, do not attend matches Minnesota Twins! ", he said about the video. [19699021] Lukas Mikelionis is a FoxNews.com journalist, follow him on Twitter @LukasMikelionis .

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