A fire destroyed more than 13,600 hectares in California and threatens Yosemite Park | International | news


Los Angeles –

The fire that threatened the Yosemite National Park in California continued to advance this weekend, the site said. Inciweb information Monday morning. The fire, dubbed Ferguson, destroyed just over 13,600 hectares, according to Inciweb's latest report released Monday, which indicated that only 13% of the incident had been controlled.

On Friday, the Ministry of Agriculture had estimated the burned acres of about 10,000, which were controlled only by 7%.

"The weather forecast provides warmer and drier air throughout the year, all of the week, which prepares the conditions for a critical and extreme weather in fires," warns Inciweb.

According to this source, more than 3,000 firefighters were moving tall to fight the flames that affect the Stanislaus State Forest and threaten Yosemite National Park, located east of the fire.

The highly touristy park is still open to the public, noted Inciweb, but in several surrounding areas

In total, one firefighter died and six others were injured from the beginning, for unknown reasons, from Ferguson, July 13 in Sierra Nevada. (I)

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