A growing number of Colombian bank digital clients – Financial Sector – Economics


The Colombian bank's run to attract more customers into the digital world, to increase efficiency, reduce costs and reduce liquidity, do not stop.

Applications for payment from any electronic equipment; the mechanisms to get credit instantly and the tools that secure online shopping are just a small sample of the artillery with which it seeks to break the resistance of millions of customers who still refuse to & # 39; Use technology and prefer to endure

There is no accurate data on the number of about 28 million Colombians who are frequent users of electronic channels . But industry calculations indicate that this share is about 30 percent, which would speak today of 8.5 million digital customers in the banking sector.

The accounts of nine of the most representative banks of the system, consulted by EL TIEMPO, indicate that in total their digital customers add about 10.2 million. For example, at Bancolombia, they approach 3.5 million, Davivienda has 2.6 million, Banco de Bogotá, they are close to 1.1 million and in BBVA, a million

"Most of them are". between them still prefer to go to physical branch to perform operations that can now be done by electronic means.More people still have some mistrust of applications for security issues, so we have to continue in the task of educating and connecting these people with products that generate trust, "says María Jimena Durán, vice president's director. Although industry experts warn that the great digital revolution of the bank has not yet taken place but that it is in a phase of adaptation, it is clear that today the digitization covers almost all the products and the services of all entities.

" The process of digital transformation is not a task that only banks or customers must undertake, but depends on an elaborate ecosystem in which the sum of the parties launch this leap that now requires this industry, "says Oriol Ros, marketing director of Latinia, a financial software provider.

People still have some degree of mistrust of applications for security issues, so we must continue in the task of education


Banks have understood that they must accelerate their step in this race to reach a larger volume of digital customers. 19659003] Juan Carlos Arcila, President of the Latin American Congress of Digital Banking, Innovation and Technology, stresses that " the migration of banking customers to the digital world took place with significant growth The Electronic Commerce Observatory shows that digital transactions in the country have increased in the last two years above 30 percent and the amount to 25 percent. on average 10%. "

Something that the entities themselves corroborate. In the BBVA say that today, their customers can perform more than 80 percent of financial transactions through the cell phone. Utility payments and credits; transfers, credit card advances, opening of a CDT and rental of investment funds.

"In a few weeks we will also have the opportunity to open an account entirely online by mobile phone", specify their guidelines.

Juan Diego Agudelo, director of Digital Channels of Bancolombia, points out that of the average of active digital customers with 47.6% have a preference for the People application; 19.1% are exclusive users of Virtual Branch People and 33.3% use both channels.

He points out that this preference for digital is reflected in the number of transactions that totaled 938 million in May, through channels such as its virtual branch, its electronic wallet, facturanet and mobile banking, among others.

Banco AV Villas more than 80 transactions can be made through their digital channels, while registered customers, only in their application, increased by 43 percent last year ended in May, while their site has increased by 25 percent.

The entity's customers used the application to charge their cell phone in 57.2%, for PSP payments in 13.3% and credit card, 12.8%, and of transfer money to others in 11.1%.

"Our virtual banking services are inclusive because entrepreneurs and new executives get any product or service from one device; even those over age 35 are not at home. This is because they use networks and channels permanently to move their money, acquire credit, or open savings accounts, "says Rodrigo Correa, vice president of business development and business development.

At Bancamía, 95% of credit transactions are digital while nearly one million bank customers can manage their loans and accounts via the mobile application , warn

Efraín Forero, president of Banco Davivienda, states: "To face the new challenges of the market, our organization is transforming from within with, process and digital products. Today , 96% of trans people Actions are performed from the digital channels of the entity . "

In June, the bank launched its mobile savings and credit account, with fingerprint authentication in less than 5 minutes of your mobile phone.This new service complements the digital offering of the Entity with virtual CDAT and the acquisition of insurance online, among others.

Economics and Business
Twitter: @ CarlosGarciaM66

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