A man from Alabama walked nearly 20 miles to his new job. When his boss found out, he gave him a car.


Walter Carr sent his friends a series of text messages more and more imploring. The student's car had broken down, and he was supposed to start his new job as a mover the next morning in a house 20 miles from his apartment near Birmingham, Ala.

He broke a round, but he was not about to miss his first day of work in a moving company called Bellhops. Carr, 20, needed work. He reflected on his situation and concluded that there was only one option: he would walk.

"I sat there and thought," How can I get to my job? In which streets should I go? How long would it take to get there? ", He said in an interview with The Post.

He searched the road from his homewood apartment to Pelham's house, and according to Google Maps, it would take eight hours. A former cross country runner, he knew he could do it in less time.

Carr ate a bologna meal and eggs at 8 pm and took a nap. He woke up, grabbed his wallet, his phone and a kitchen knife and knife to protect him from stray dogs.He went to the dark.

"J & # 39; have always been this person who understood things by myself, "Carr said," I went out walking. "

After a few hours, he came across a dog, he threw the ball, the dog ran after and Carr went the other way.

On the hike, Carr made the road in his mind, he jogged and walked a lot. mbes began to burn, he remained focused on his goal.

"I was just thinking about my itinerary, how I was going to get there in the time I needed," Carr said. He once worked as a cook in fast food restaurants, but it paid better, and he needed money for an apartment that he had recently rented.

At 2 o'clock in the morning he passed the city of Hoover. Around four o'clock in the morning he reached Pelham, but he still had a few hours left to go home. He was about to enter the ramp of the highway, the most direct route to work. He sat in a parking lot of a bank

"I decided to rest for a minute because my legs were killing me," he said.

A police car stopped and the officer, identified by The AL.com news site as Mark Knighten, asked if Carr was okay. Carr said yes, and explained what he was doing.

"I said:" It's crazy, but I'm going to work. "It's my first day at work," recalls Carr.

L & # 39; The agent asked him when he last ate, and Carr told him about the bologna and the eggs, and suggested that she take him for something more in his stomach.

"J & # 39 I said: "I just paid my rent. I do not have any money on me at all, "says Carr.

Knight told him to get in the car, the meal was on him. They went to Whataburger with other officers, and Carr ordered a chicken cookie. At the insistence of the officers, he ordered another, he said.

Knight drove Carr a few miles from his job and dropped him off at a church, saying that it was a safe place. Knight had to leave due to a shift change, but he said another officer would be in a few hours to check Carr, and maybe give him a ride to work.

But after Carr arrived at the church, he worried he might not do it in time. Around 5:30 pm, he started walking again.

Carr was walking on a two-lane road, and of course, a policeman came and said that he had heard about him. This officer, identified by AL.com as Scott Duffey, drove Carr the last four miles to his job.

At 6:30 in the morning, Duffey headed to the house where Carr was to meet the other movers for work, and explained to the owner Jenny Lamey what had happened.

"The agent told me," I have a nice boy in my car. It's a great kid, he walked all night to go to your house. Lamey said. "It's when tears started coming in. I just started crying."

Carr came to the door and Lamey offered her a bed to take a nap, and some food .

Carr replied, "No, I'd rather start," says Lamey

The other two BellHop movers arrived shortly after, and all three moved the Lameys on the other side of the city ​​until their new home. Everyone heard like they were old friends, says Carr and Lamey.

After the move, Carr played basketball with the Lamey sons aged 16, 13 and 11.

Lamey says that she had no idea the energy for that.

"I can not imagine what made it work," Lamey said. "What came to him physically was supernatural, I think God helped him through."

Lamey said it was only the beginning of what she hoped would be a Carr's long friendship with his family

"He's so humble and generous." He's really amazing. He said that was the way he had been brought up. Nothing is impossible unless you say that it is impossible.

One of Carr's new colleagues visited him.

The next day, Lamey called Carr's supervisor and both cried over the phone. Lamey posted the story on Facebook, and she took off. She started a GoFundMe with a goal of $ 2,000. By Wednesday morning, he had raised more than $ 36,000

On Sunday, Carr's boss, the general manager of Bellhops, Luke Marklin, called him to thank him. Marklin said that he wanted to meet him in person to show his appreciation. They agreed to meet in a cafe near Carr's apartment on Monday. When they met, Marklin gave him his own car, a 2014 Ford Escape. He said that he would be in better hands with Carr than with him.

"We have set a very high bar for the heart and guts and … you just sweep it off," Marklin told him.

Carr has been getting a lot of attention over the past few days for his nearly 20 mile trek. He said it was surprising, but he feels good by sharing it.

"The lesson of my story is that it's great to reach people, I've always wanted to inspire people," he said. "Do not let anyone tell you that you can not do something, it's up to us to decide if we can."

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