A prison guard could go to jail for sex with a murderer


  A prison guard could go to jail for having sex with a murderer

Intimate meetings would have taken place during the night in the prison gym.

Demmi Zeschke, a guard in Long Bay Prison, Australia, was charged with having sex with a prisoner convicted of murder. This adds to other complaints against other women working in the prison and now hot beds are being discussed in the national jails.

Jarad Smith was convicted of murder after spilling a couple while he was drunk and after taking cocaine. According to the Daily Telegraph, Zeschke, who works during the day, would have changed his schedule to have nocturnal meetings with the prisoner.

Although Smith already has temporary separations four years after his crime, he still has to spend the night in jail. For this reason, the meetings were held in the gym of the establishment until they were discovered by other prison employees and the romance ended. Following this, Zeschke submitted his resignation, but did not escape the scandal.

The parents of Smith's victims have repudiated the situation, considering that it is a proof of the mild conditions in which the murderer is serving his sentence. . "It's probably better than us," said Louise Miller, sister of the late Katherine Pracy, 9 News.

Peter Severin, director of the prison, said that he will seek the prosecution and spend time in jail. This will also be analyzed because the possibility of forcing other inmates with a history of ingestion of drugs that reduce libido has been considered.

The case was known only a few days after Amy Connors, another prison guard, was reported. pregnant with the murderer Sione Penisini. Both were surprised to have sex in a maximum security prison in New South Wales. Connors, married with two children, denied allegations about the alleged pregnancy, but was suspended from her job.

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