A senior Koch network official: "The dissensions of this White House cause long-term damage"


"The division of this White House causes long-term damage," said network co-chair Brian Hooks, who also reprimanded elected officials who "follow" his example.

The influence of Koch's network, even among Republicans, has been questioned in the era of Trump's conventional-wisdom-shredding shredding. Over the past year and a half, the network has pushed unsuccessfully for comprehensive health care and immigration reform; and like other big conservative groups, the network was powerless to convince the president to rethink his strategy on trade in general and tariffs specifically.

The weekend conference comes with less than four months until the mid-term elections. Billionaire Charles Koch is preparing to spend millions to protect the Republican majorities in Washington. Yet network leaders did not appear to be on the war footing on Saturday, highlighting bipartisan cooperation instead.

"It's radical, especially given the divisive climate in which we are right now and the polarization and division of the country in many ways," said James Davis, a spokesman for the network. But we want to focus on the aggressive pursuit of areas of common interest where we can progress on some issues, even if we disagree on other issues. "

Although the Koch Network n & # The change suggests that the GOP-aligned group could consider a new power dynamic in Washington and its place in it, despite significant investments by the Koch network and groups. like-minded, the Democrats retain an advantage in the generic polls and seem as well positioned to compete for majorities in Congress now as at the beginning of this year.

Network has alarmed some Republicans earlier this year when it funded a digital advertising campaign applauding the support of North Dakota Senator Heidi Heitkamp for the reduction of banking regulations. Heitkamp is one of the most vulnerable democratic activists this year, and his race could help decide partisan control of the Senate

  The Koch brothers group thanks the Democratic senator facing a difficult reelection

But the tariffs of the administration stung only for this group, which dates back to 2003, when Charles Koch and A group of like-minded business leaders was alarmed by the rapid growth of government programs and the implementation of steel tariffs under President George W. Bush

"We find that there are similarities with what we are today. Davis

In a video message that will be shown to network donors during this weekend's meeting, located on the lush grounds of the Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs, Charles Koch warns that "protectionism perverts institutions Keys to our society "

Koch's network has pledged a" multi-year, multi-million dollar "pledge to fight tariffs and other policies that they deem protectionist. "We see this as a long-term business," said Davis

. Even beyond some blatant political disagreements, Koch's network has not really maintained a warm relationship with Trump, having expressed strong concerns about it during the presidential election. to his mark of republicanism. Once Trump won, however, the network decided to work with him where they could, and after his first year in office, their public opinion became rosier. In January, Tim Phillips, the president of the political branch of the network, Americans for Prosperity, praised the network's "partnership" with Trump and encouraged the work of the administration to push back the rules and appoint conservative judges.

. network is also facing a fundamental transformation of its own. The shortcut for the network was formerly the "Koch brothers", a reference to Charles and David Koch, his bosses and figureheads. But David Koch, 78, officially resigned from his position in the network due to the deterioration of his health

  David Koch, GOP's megadiver, leaves the company Koch Industries, because of declining health

Network leaders pointed out that the group came from Charles Koch, 82, while David Koch later, "Davis said, and focused his energies on American Prosperity, the network's political arm. Charles Koch is also imposed as the face and voice of the most public network.

"There's only one Charles Koch," says Davis, "but fortunately he's doing really well."

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