Abortion: reject the request to challenge the Minister Rubinstein's exhibition – 23/07/2018


Two senators formalized a petition to challenge Health Minister Adolfo Rubinstein so that the official does not expose this Tuesday to the Senate on abortion. However, the proposal was rejected.

This is Maria Cristina del Valle Fiore Viñuales (Partido Renovador-Salta) and Guillermo Snopek (Justicialista-Jujuy). Senators sent a letter to Mario Fiad, chairman of the Senate Health Committee, to prevent Rubinstein's speech as "lecturer." In a dialogue with Clarín, Fiad confirmed Monday night that the Objection was rejected

According to the website El Parlamentario, these senators reject the presence of Rubinstein to consider a "active participation" of the official in favor of the legalization of abortion, while criticizing the "possible influences that the executive may have the intention to make in taking On his Twitter account, Fiore confirmed : "We do not oppose any exhibitor, we respect all positions and we do not intend to impede the debate." What we can not afford is that it is exploited and press Executive senators We have already seen this action in the Chamber of Deputies, so we have formulated a challenge to Rubinstein . "

In an intervention In the Senate Annex on July 4, Rubinstein explained :" In Argentina, we are talking about a subject of which one n? had not spoken since the last few decades, since the return of democracy:

He added: "Medical abortion is a fundamental premise of all health services and rights in the world. sexuality and procreation The whole society discusses it in a transversal manner, in a sort of battle for the expansion of rights. "

The holder of the Health Portfolio shared this session in the presentation of the latest report from the Guttmacher-Lancet Commission on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights.

. His presentation took place a day after the beginning of the debates in the Upper House on the legalization of the # 39; abortion. he had a half-sanction in the Chamber of Deputies on June 14th.

Rubinstein, rightly, had already exhibited in the lower house on May 31st. He explained forcefully his explanations and data: "We are 35 years old democracy Abortion is a problem that has been hidden under the carpet Our function is to promote debate and give accurate data , this can not be a Boca River. "

He was able to speak for half an hour that day (the rest was 7 minutes), and accompanied his presentation with charts of the official departmental statistics.

" In developed countries, the rate of Abortion dropped. While in countries with restrictive laws, it remained the same. There is a clear link between decriminalization and the number of abortions. Unsafe abortion, when not performed by a professional, exceeds 90% in Latin America. Except Uruguay and Cuba, Latin America is the same as Africa. "

Concluded:" Abortion exists and we can not ignore it. Beyond all the dilemmas. This is a public health problem because it produces preventable deaths and morbidity in a young and healthy population. This is a gender equity issue because it only affects women. The evidence is very strong that decriminalization reduces maternal mortality and the total number of abortions. In one way or another, we must act. "

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