AC Lindley: Revenues reached 1,197 million S, down 10% in the first half


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Mass consumption

July 20, 2018

AC Lindley: Revenues reach S $ 1.197 billion, a decrease of 10% in the first half of the year

The decline in revenues leads to the company's net operating income 37% and 16%, respectively.

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Arca Continental Lindley bottler of Coca Cola in Peru, recorded a decline sales of 10% in the first half of 2018, compared to the same period of past year. The company's sales rose from $ 1.327 million in the first half of 2017 to $ 1.197 billion in the first half of this year. The company's business turnover also declined 10% year-over-year in the second quarter, reaching 5.337 million S.

The decline in revenues added to an increase of 97 % of the account The "other operating expenses" of the company led to a 16% decrease in operating profit in the first half, to 1559 million shillings. During the second quarter, operating income of Arca Continental Lindley fell 10% to S / .58 million.

On the other hand, the company's financial income decreased by 62% in the first half. This, added to the decline in operating income led to net profit down 37% to S / .62 million. A similar result occurred in the second quarter, where net profit fell by 30% year-over-year

Related article Arca Continental reported the Stock purchase of the Lindley Company after the rise of the ISC

The results of the company are given in a context in which the total basket of the household consumption fell 2% in May this year; the category of beverages has not yet recovered and recorded a decline of 8% in the month mentioned, according to Kantar WorldPanel . In addition, the increase in the ISC led the company to defer the purchase of shares Lindley Corporation .

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