Ace is the capsule that Elon Musk created to help rescue Thailand


On July 7, billionaire Elon Musk began shaping his idea of ​​helping rescue Thai children trapped in a cave.

On his Twitter account he explained: "It's basically a small submarine the size of a child, using the Falcon rocket liquid oxygen transfer tube. like a helmet, light enough to be worn by two divers, small enough to cross tight spaces, extremely sturdy. "

The next day he started uploading videos of a capsule that was tested in a pool In Los Angeles, USA One of the videos, which shows how to get a volunteer out of the capsule, reached 203,000 "I like" and was shared 55,000 times.

According to Elon Musk, founder of Tesla and SpaceX, his design was useful despite the narrow passages that divers had to cross to reach the children.

The device, which weighs 40 kilos, has four handles at the front and back, in addition to two connections to the air tank.

According to the Spanish newspaper El Pas, the device uses an aluminum housing with high thermal conductivity, so if the environment is cold, a thin layer of insulation on the inside will keep the child at a suitable temperature.

I traveled to Thailand with his mini-submarine. On his Twitter account, he wrote Monday afternoon (Chile time): "I have just returned from cave 3. The mini-submarine is ready if necessary, it is made of rockets and called" Boar "by l & rsquo; # 39; football team We leave it here in case it might be useful in the future, Thailand is so beautiful. "

However, his invention was not used. "Although its technology is good and sophisticated, it is not practical for this mission," said Narongsak Osatanakorn, chief of the rescue team.

Musk is defended and criticized on social networks.

Critics accuse him of taking advantage of this opportunity to appear. "I studied engineering and anyone with basic knowledge of geography and engineering know that the submarine of Elon Musk does not help in a situation like this. here, but he continues to play to attract the attention of the whole world "

. "I am very happy that they were able to rescue the twelve children and their coach in Thailand, while Elon Musk has the desire to promote his ego." Double feat ", another tweet

There were also memes and jokes about Musk.One said:" How does your dog call rescuer? "" Elon Musk "" Can I to caress? "" Of course, he does nothing. ""

However, his supporters came to support him on social networks. "Twitter, this wonderful place where adults who still live with their dads is complaining that Elon Musk is not doing anything," writes one of them.

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