Act for the "202nd Anniversary of the Declaration of National Independence" and "Anniversary of 9 de Julio District"


Jujuy al día® – This Monday, December 9, the "202nd anniversary of the declaration of national independence" and "the anniversary of July 9" are commemorated. In this context, the municipal government of Palpalá, organized the following program:

Sunday 8:

22.30 hs. – "Vigilia de la Independencia". Plaza 9 de Julio

Monday 9:

9,15 hrs. – Concentration of authorities and special guests on the square between the streets 23 de Febrero and Catamarca.

9.30 hrs. – Beginning of the ceremonial act

Location of the flags of the ceremony

Lifting of the national flag and the national flag of civil liberty (intonation of the Argentine national anthem)

Welcome of the President of the Neighborhood Center of B July 9, Luis González

Words alluding to the date, by Prof. Hilarión Rivera

Words of the President of the Deliberative Council, Genaro Vaca

Withdrawal of the Ceremonial Flags

Closing of the Ceremonial Act

Transfer of Authorities and Special Guests to Juan Avenue José Paso, where will be held the Civic Parade.

10.30 hrs. – Beginning of the Civic-Gaucho parade.

2:30 pm to 10 pm – Recreational games, chocolate offered by RIM 20, musical representation, at the B 9 de Julio sports center.

18 hrs. – Arrío of the National Pavilion and National Flag of the Civil Liberty, in charge of the neighbors of B ° 9 of July.

It is possible to emphasize that in case of rain, the protocol will be transferred to the School No. 119 "General Manuel Savio", and the civico-gaucho parade will be suspended.

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