After the scandals, director of the United States Environmental Agency falls


Washington – The director of the US Environmental Protection Agency, Scott Pruitt, resigned yesterday in the midst of open investigations for his excessive spending on security, the first flights class and rent of a condominium. ] With the resignation of Pruitt, President Donald Trump loses an official whom many conservatives considered to be one of the most effective members of his cabinet. However, Pruitt had also been besieged for months by a series of seemingly endless scandals, which led to more than a dozen federal and congressional investigations.

Trump, in statements to reporters on the presidential plane, continued to pruitt to Pruitt and asserted that it was not a decision caused by a "last straw" and that it "s not a decision. he did not ask for the resignation of the EPA director of yesterday.

"Scott is an amazing guy," said Trump. "He came to see me and said:" I have tremendous trust in the administration and I do not want to be a distraction. "He will go and do great things and have a wonderful life, I hope."

In his letter of resignation provided to the media, Pruitt said that he was not sorry for any Action taken since he was named by Trump at the head of the EPA last year.

"It is extremely difficult for me to stop serving them in this position, first because I consider it a blessing to serve them in any role, but also because of the transformation work is going on, "wrote Pruitt. "However, the incessant attacks against me, my family, are unprecedented and have had a tremendous effect on all of us."

Pruitt participated in a picnic Wednesday to celebrate Independence Day at the White House. a red check shirt and loafers with golden decorations. Trump gave him and other officials words of praise, showing no sign of an immediate change in his position.

Trump tweeted that the deputy director of the EPA, Andrew Wheeler, a former executive of the coal industry, will assume the post The resignation of Pruitt occurs a few days after two of his former high-level employees rank had discussed with investigators of the House of Representatives' House Monitoring and Reform Committee and revealed new and shameful details Samantha Dravis, former director of Pruitt's policies at the EPA, told congressional investigators that the former director had made it clear before and after taking the position that she would like to be secretary. of Justice, occupied at the time and today by Jeff Sessions.

Pruitt had "hinted at some conversation between him and the president," d I draw Dravis to investigators, according to a transcript obtained by the Associated Press yesterday. "It was the position that interested me initially."

Pruitt, a former attorney from Oklahoma near the oil industry, had filed more than a dozen lawsuits against the agency of which he had been appointed director.

When he arrived in Washington, he worked tirelessly to dismantle the environmental regulations put in place under the government of former President Barack Obama, aimed at reducing pollution and greenhouse gas emissions .

country at the expense of taxpayers to meet industrial groups and hobnob with Republican Party donors.

However, he showed little interest in listening to the militant groups he described as "the environmental left". These groups celebrated their resignation.

Like Trump, Pruitt expressed skepticism about climate change and severely criticized the Paris Agreement.

Pruitt was forced to resign following a series of revelations in which they gave knowing his expensive travels in first class seats and his high security spending, including a $ 43,000 soundproof booth for private calls.

He also requested the protection of the armed guards 24 hours a day, which resulted in a 20-member team that increased agency spending by more than $ 3 million.

Pruitt had also asked the EPA staff to do chores, such as picking laundry at the laundry.

Pruitt was in danger since the end of March, when ABC News first reported that he was renting a condo in Capitol Hill for only $ 50 a night. The property was partly owned by the wife of a fossil fuel industry lobbyist whose company had asked the EPA to repeal certain regulations.

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