Air Force fighter catches plane near Trump NJ golf course


A small general aviation aircraft flying near the private golf club of President Trump in New Jersey was intercepted by a US Air Force fighter on Saturday afternoon, according to reports. officials. "Without Appropriate Authorizations or Communications" at approximately 12:30 pm in the Temporary Flight Restriction Zone around Bedminster Golf Course, NJ, where Trump spends the weekend.

The North American Aerospace Defense Command, responsible for airspace surveillance for the continental United States. White House spokesman Lindsay Walters said the pilot had been "interrogated by law enforcement and considered a non-threat".

Since September 11, 2001, the Pittstown Military Airport, as part of Operation Noble Eagle, has conducted more than 1,800 interceptions of non – military aircraft. Walters said the F-16 had followed "standard practice in such cases."

Trump arrived in New Jersey on Friday afternoon, and was due to leave for Washington on Sunday.

Fox News' Matt Leach and The Associated Press Contributed to Frank Miles is a reporter and publisher covering sports, technology, the military and geopolitics for He can be contacted at [email protected].

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