Airport investments in Latin America and the Caribbean by 2040


Latin American countries need investments of $ 55 billion to boost the marine and port sector by 2040, according to the CAF Latin American Development Bank.

The Report Analysis of Port Investments in America Latin America and the Caribbean to 2040 of CAF – Latin American Development Bank, Revealed that this figure includes investments to introduce new capacity of port containers, to improve the exploitation and to deepen the medium term, among others

The document summarizes the works developed within the framework of the regional program of analysis of the port investments and airport in Latin America and the Caribbean 2040, continuity of the Latin America 2040 study published by CAF in 2013, with the aim of identifying the needs of port and airport investments in Latin America and in the Caribbean (LAC) By 2040.

The objectives of the report include: developing a functional and spatially integrated global vision of the market Maritime Region of Latin America and the Caribbean; Structure a priority portfolio of port projects that will boost the logistics performance of the region and support economic development in the region, define the region's long-term strategic agenda to address key strategic challenges, among others.

Source: CAF – Development Bank of Latin America.

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