Alianza Lima: Unión Huaral denies Dylan Caro's signing for the Clausura tournament


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One of the big deficits of Alianza Lima in the first half of 2018 was the side deficits. To solve this problem, the club of La Victoria brought Roberto Villamarín on loan from Mexico and for the left back he planned to sign Dylan Caro of Unión Huaral

However, the plans of Alianza Lima ] compete with those of the club playing in the second division. While the & # 39; Pelicano & # 39; is ready to negotiate for Dylan Caro his idea is to sell the 18-year-old footballer and not to lend him, as desired by the club of La Victoria

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"It's a possibility, they want to lend it until the end of the year, we want to sell it because c & rsquo; Is a significant income for the club.The player continues to grow, it is important in our team The resources of a club are his players, "said the president of Unión Huaral [19659008] Arturo Sánchez at Radio Ovación.


Despite this bad start of negotiations, Sánchez hopes to reach a beneficial agreement with Alianza Lima by Dylan Caro . "It is impossible to give it away for free, in the work that he has done in a short time he has shown that it is a great hope for Peruvian football."

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Dylan Caro formed in the careers of Union Huaral made his debut at the age of 16 in the second division 2015 with the "Pelicano" and integrated the pre-call of the Under-20 Selection that was training in the 2018 Russia World Cup.


Alliance Lima has Francisco Duclós and José Guidino as the only southpaw of his team. However, none has been able to catch up with it in 2018.

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