Alondra finally thinks about the relationship between Paolo Guerrero and Thaisa Leal


He broke his silence. Alondra García Miró spoke about the sentimental relationship between the striker Paolo Guerrero who was his partner, and Thaisa Leal. The model hinted that she already surpassed the footballer and responded naturally and very calmly to what she thinks of the Brazilian.

"What do you think of Thaisa as Paolo's partner?" Was the question that the journalist had asked him about the program. Válgame Dios in García Miró. "I think it's super good" the model answered with a smile

Alondra who will soon make his debut as an actor in the telenovela I will find, she avoids responding to his appearance Regarding the dishes with which Thaisa inflates Paolo, however at no time he was bored with the questions.

YOU CAN SEE Alondra García Miró and Paolo Guerrero: young man who recorded them reveals [VIDEO]

It is worth mentioning that, through social networks, it was commented that the change of look at which Alondra has been submissive, since her blond hair has been painted, many think she's looking to look like Thaisa. While Alondra ignores the comments and looks happy his new look. "I'm happy, yes, after five hours, we managed, especially not to break a hair," he said in one of his Instagram stories where he shares his image.

As is known, Alondra maintained a sentimental relationship with Guerrero that was followed by the media. After two years, the romance has ended. Soon, the "Predator" was seen next to Thaisa, while Alondra had a fleeting relationship with Christian Meier .

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