Amaia Montero, former singer of Van Gogh's The Oreja, responds to critics after her return to the stages | Trade | TV | Farándula


Amaia Montero former singer of Van Gogh's Oreja returns to the scene after four years of absence and his return is bitter and painful. She was accused of metamorphosing and singing alcoholic

In an interview with EFE, the artist defended herself and denied the different versions that emerged after her reappearance.

"I do not pretend to love everyone, I'm wrong like everyone else, but when they playfully lie to sink something that is my passion, my job, my life, which is music since 22 years old, I do not like that, "says the Spanish singer in Buenos Aires, her recent album.

Putting" mar de por medio "after being an intense source of criticism in her country, he arrives in Argentina with "Born to Believe", which includes a song of the same name in which he faces "all who speaks without knowing and loves to hurt. "

" But it's also a tribute to all the people who are with us, support us and are in the good and the bad times, "recognizes a smiling Amaia (Irún, 1976), who has a multitude of memories in the city po rteña, where he lived for several months during a tour

However, he believes that in Argentina, where he is "sought after" and "respected", and in America Latin, it would not have happened as in Spain, where in March and after a performance, the press and social networks claimed that the face had been operated excessively.

The former singer of the group Van Gogh's Oreja denied this and also to those who said that it was sung under the influence of alcohol or other substances at the first concert of her new tour, of which she attributed the setbacks to some serious problems

"That did not happen here (in Latin America). They love you, they love you for your music. They have a musical culture and a lot more respect, "says the iconic voice of" Cuéntame al oído "," La playa "," Rosas "and" Rag doll. "

They also accused her of Forgetting the lyrics of his songs deals with comments for his weight.

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<p id= Amaia Montero on her return on stage. (Video: YouTube)

"When I get fat, they criticize me, when I lose weight, once they say that I have anorexia, if I'm a model and that I understand, but why is it three years? disco, that I left my life there? he adds.

Some of his songs talk about getting up after an emotional stumble. Like "Ave pénix", from his most recent work -composed next to the writer Benjamín Prado-, in which he warns that "to arm with courage, knives are not needed, enough with the heart."

I'm on fire with my wings spread out again, "he says.

That is why he prefers to stay with the support and affection that he receives in Spain and abroad: "I have never been approached by anyone who They are approaching with a lot of education, it 's been so many years that I am here … "

His first professional steps go back to 1997, when he won with his four companions a model competition In San Sebastian, a memory that defines "We were in college and met Pablo (Benegas) by chance, he told me that he had a group and we started." We sent a demo to Sony, we recorded an album and that changed our lives. It was too fast, "he recalls.

Then came the first album," D ile al sol "(1998), and three others with those who triumphed in dozens of countries; in 2007, he decides to launch a solo, a scene that feels as profitable as the previous one

Now, years after the "shock" that produced its departure among the followers of The Oreja Van Gogh – who continues to reap the success with Leire Martínez as singer, Amaia is sincere.

"Leire did very well, put a lot of courage, I do not think that it's a good thing. It was easy at the time to take the reins He worked a lot, "he notes, and reveals that both have" good waves ", are followed in networks and send messages.

Although he left the group, there was a distance between the first singer and the group, the passage of time has brought them closer

"N We live something absolutely indelible, it is not common to grow together in this way, it unites you in a unique way, "he adds, although he doubt to be on stage. I do not know if it will happen, we did not talk about it, life goes around a lot. Yes maybe no. All I know is that we are all good. They are doing very well. I have a relationship with them and I am doing well. "

But if there is one thing he does not doubt, that's how he wants him to be remembered.

" I would like us to remember my heritage, what are my songs "concludes

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