An agreement of the Mercosur-Pacific Alliance is achievable


CITY OF MEXICO (Expansion) –

Closer regional integration with the Presidents of Mercosur (Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay) at the next Presidential Summit of the Pacific Alliance, which includes Mexico, Chile, Colombia and Peru.

The presidents of Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay confirmed their participation in the event July 23 and 24 in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, a sign of intention to broaden the dialogue in order to conclude a commercial agreement between the two blocks. considered Luis Enrique Zavala, director of the National Association of Importers and Exporters of the Mexican Republic (ANIERM).

In April of last year, in the framework of the World Economic Forum on Latin America, the ministers of

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However, the conclusion of an agreement on trade issues will not be an obstacle to regional integration. possible in the short term. Currently, Alliance members are focusing on Canada, New Zealand, Singapore and Australia are acquiring the status of Associate States in the Alliance, said the director of the Alliance. 39; ANIERM.

This figure will allow the Alliance countries to negotiate a trade agreement with each of the countries interested in becoming partners, given the peculiarities of their markets, said the Undersecretary of Foreign Trade, Juan Carlos Baker, at an event the exporters.

For example, Canada wants to integrate, but is not ready to open in all the terms of the Alliance, because it involves facilitating the movement of people from the United States. four countries that compose it, without a visa, but by concluding an agreement with the Alliance puts it on its own terms

The official sees the Pacific Alliance as an integration platform that can unite Latin America and the Asia-Pacific region, so that it is not excluded that Brazil, Argentina and even Ecuador

"If we Want other countries like Argentina or Brazil, and why not, Ecuador, start getting closer to the trade disciplines that Mexico has gone through, we have a platform for those countries are up, and that's the Pacific Alliance, "Baker said at a meeting with members of the Mexican Institute of Trade Officials outside (IMECE).

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Participating in this alliance would be an additional way to negotiate bilaterally between Mexico and each of these countries. Currently, Mexico is working to modernize the Economic Complementarity Agreements (ECAs) that it has with Brazil and Argentina.

Fernando Ruiz, Director of the Council for Foreign Trade (COMCE), said that for the moment, Argentina is already an observer country within the Alliance, which expresses its interest in openness to free trade and multilateralism.

The COMCE Executive believes that before opening up to trade with Brazil, one must study in which industries and deliveries the savings can complement each other. not to generate competition between sectors, for example, the Brazilian and Mexican automobile.

It should be noted that the virtual president-elect, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, will also attend the summit, reflecting the new government's willingness to continue the path Mexico has taken to diversify its trade, M said. Ruiz.

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