An Ecuadorian court will ask Interpol for the arrest of Rafael Correa


Judge Daniella Camacho ordered remand for former President Rafael Correa at a special hearing on precautionary measures imposed on the ex-plaintiff on June 18, after being related to the kidnapping of the former guard Fernando Balda

Correa, who has been living in Belgium for a year, should have appeared before the National Council of Justice (CNJ), but decided to do so at the consulate of his country in Brussels.

At the hearing on Tuesday, the judge accepted the request of the Attorney General in charge, Paúl Pérez, to order the preventive arrest of Correa for failing to comply with the order of Court appearance, and to send a red alert to Interpol to request his arrest and extradition. 19659004] in defense of belt

The lawyer of the exmandatario, Caupolicán Ochoa, who had requested the hearing to replace the original precautionary measures and correa p He was able to go to Brussels , regretted the decision and recalled that there was no "strict request from the prosecutor" of the state regarding pre-trial detention, as Prosecutor Perez did not not yet assumed his duties officially

. "Attorney General in charge," who is not in possession, "said Ochoa, who said the process" does not seek justice but revenge.

"We have seen a scenario where all institutional safeguards have been violated. ", insisted to warn that they will appeal the decision of Camacho

The attempted abduction of the ex-ambassador occurred in Colombia on the night of August 13 In 2012, when he was approached by five people, four men and a woman, they violently entered a vehicle and kept him in detention for about an hour and a half, after which he was saved.

"Solid evidence"

In a recent interview with Efe Balda, argued that there is strong evidence that Correa is involved in the order of his abduction.

However, the former president , who does not exclude to seek asylum in Belgium or in another country, ensures that there is no evidence and denounces that he is persecuted Politics and media [19659002] S addressing to the media after leaving the hearing, Balda, since yesterday part of the private prosecution in the case, announced that he will launch a campaign to convince European governments not to grant asylum to Correa

"We will start activism in European embassies starting with Belgium. I will go with my attorneys to present the evidence so that they can verify that it is not a political persecution but a crime of one year. State, "he said. [1945


  • The supporters of Rafael Correa Thursday, Thursday, march of support to the Ecuadorian president
  • Grouped in the movement of the revolution Citizen, the supporters of Correa have called for citizenship under the slogan "Indignant Ecuador", to denounce what they view as a political persecution of the exmandatario. (19659017) Habeas Corpus and Political Asylum

    • Rafael Correa faces the crimes of the wrongful association, figure which, according to the Ecuadorian code, requires a principal or intellectual author, as well as plagiarism, punished by imprisonment.
    • Correa himself suggested that he still has recourse to apply for habeas corpus and political asylum.
    • But s & # 39; he is judged for his participation in the kidnapping it is the politicians, as argues the defense of Balda, who can not seek asylum in Belgium, since it is a crime against humanity that can not be imprisoned.
    • In recent months, he has claimed to be a victim of the political and media persecution promoted by the current president, Lenin Moreno, and former companion with whom he maintains a strong struggle.
    • Correa said Moreno "was a professional impostor, a wolf disguised as a lamb, without convictions, but I think there is also something pathological."

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