An extended lava flow descends through the Pacaya Volcano of Guatemala


Alert generated the sudden appearance of a lava flow of about 400 meters long and 30 meters wide descending the skirts of the volcano Pacaya in Guatemala .

The volcano, which in recent months has maintained a normal increase in impulse activity for its type, recorded this lava flow from the active crater Mackenney and goes to the northeast flank, towards the Chinese Cerro Despite this, neighboring communities or villages have not been affected until here.

According to the Special Bulletin of the National Institute of Seismology, Volcanology, Meteorology and Hydrology of Guatemala the Pacaya Volcano has lately had castings of washes, so that it does not rule out the possibility of generating others of "greater quantity and recurrence" and longer lengths.

The spokesman of the National Coordinator for Disaster Prevention, David De León, told the media that up to now there has been "no increase in the number of people". activity "of the cone, but he added that surveillance is maintained in all situations, especially in the nearest villages such as El Rodeo or El Patrocinio

This volcano, located about 40 kilometers southwestern Guatemala City in the municipality of San Vicente Pacaya, is one of those who are in constant business with others. 31 of this country.

Precisely one of them was the fire volcano, which erupted on June 3 and left a number of at least 113 dead and about 331 missing, in addition to nearly two millions of people affected and significant property damage. Despite the situation, the support work of the population continues.

( With information from EFE )

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