Andean peoples celebrate the ritual of Mother Earth


In northern Argentina, the Pachamama is revered, to thank, ask and bless the fruits that Mother Earth provides. Throughout the month, there are ceremonies in which tributes are made, including the supply of food, drinks and coca leaves.
Celebrations in the northern provinces last the whole month, beginning on Pachamama Day on August 1 and ending on Day 31 in Salta, with the provincial party closing the Pachamama month. In Catamarca, the ceremony takes place in Laguna Blanca. In addition, there are celebrations in Jujuy, Tucumán and also in the province of Buenos Aires, thanks to the influx of thousands of Bolivian and Peruvian immigrants.

A Catamarca
In Laguna Blanca, Catamarca, ancestral ceremony of gratitude and offering to the Pachamama. A rich cultural experience that invites people to meet.
Every August 1st, the Andean peoples celebrate the Pachamama (Mother Earth) in a traditional ceremony in which they offer food and drink, while they ask for it. for good harvests and fertility for flocks. In Catamarca, travelers can share this ancient ritual in the Pachamama pasha in Laguna Blanca. There, the whole community meets in a colorful ceremony in which stand out representations of deities such as Pachamama and Coquena (a mythological deity dressed in sheep's wool and flames)
. faithful to tradition. The best specimen of a flock of sheep is chosen to be sacrificed in the honor of the Pachamama; Meanwhile, the Coquena begins to entice the audience, groups of children and young people to sing songs and couplets and men and women to prepare dance numbers. The artisans show their chullos, gloves, ponchos, pullos and llama, stockings of sheep and vicuna wool. And expert hands, fresh from their kitchens, offer the most traditional flavors of Catamarca: locro of corn, beef, kid and lamb, and charqui llama.
Travelers who want to empathize with the idiosyncrasies of the Puna and by visiting the natural environment, you can spend the night in one of the homes of local families.

In Salta
From August 1-6, the Pachamama National Festival is held in Salta, an Inca myth rooted in indigenous communities with many colors and unique characteristics, in the city of San Antonio de los Salta. Cobres. Celebrations are also held at: La Caldera and Salta – Capital. According to the 23rd edition of the National Festival of the Andean Peoples of Pachamama, it was officially presented at the Museum of High Mountain Archeology during an event led by the Secretary of Tourism, Estanislao Villanueva and the mayors of San Antonio of the Cobres. Tolar Grande, Leopoldo Salva and Sergio Villanueva, respectively
On this occasion, the Secretary of Tourism expressed his joy to accompany "one more year to one of the most significant and traditional celebrations where our peoples pay homage to Mother Earth "
The Mayor of San Antonio de los Cobres invited" Salta and tourists to La Puna to live and share the Andean culture with us ". For his part, the communal leader of Tolar Grande pointed out that "the month of August is a very important month for the Andean Department because we are making an offering to Mother Earth.In our city will be the closing of the Pachamama, on Friday 31, where all visitors can live our tradition. "
In the presentation, it was announced that activities will begin Monday, August 1 with the incense ritual in all San homes. Antonio de los Cobres and Tolar Grande.
While the central ceremony will take place on Saturday, August 4 from 15 in the San Antonio de los Cobres station, where visitors will enjoy the dance and music of the sikuris, couplets to the Pachamama and Native dances of different ethnic groups, in addition they will be given the yoki thread to each of them.
After the ceremony will be held 20 in the artisanal market of San Antonio de los Cobres the Pacha Festi with the performance of local folk groups. In this municipality there will be activities throughout the month and culminate on Tuesday, August 31 with homage to Mother Earth on the sacred hill, located in the city of Tolar Grande.
The president of Tren a las Nubes, Carmelo Russo, the director of MAAM, Gabriela Recagno and Teofila Urbano of the Collas Unidos community of San Antonio de los Cobres also attended the presentation.

In Tucumán
Amaicha del Valle: Regional shows and dances are played, typical cuisine is tasted and regional products can be purchased at the craft fairs surrounding Amaicha Square.

In Jujuy
– In Purmamarca, Tumbaya, Valle Grande and all the Puna de Jujuy: the 1/08 the celebration acquires great importance at the foot of the monument to Mother Earth in Purmamarca.
– In San Francisco: the 1/08 the homage to the Pachamama is celebrated with fair of crafts and regional foods.
– In San Salvador de Jujuy: San Salvador de Jujuy Patron's Day, and great Pachamama festival, with tasting of regional dishes in the premises of the Old Station.

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