André Carrillo amuses himself at Al-Hilal: he walked with his companions in the streets of Austria | VIDEO | Trade | Total Sport | Peruvians in the world


While many Peruvians worry and are unhappy with the arrival of Andre Carrillo to Saudi football, the national striker has the best fun with his new teammates Al-Hilal .

This has been highlighted in a recent history of the social network of Instagram. André Carrillo was recorded – through his mobile phone – while he was walking in the main streets of Austria in the company of Salman Al-Faraj, Mohammed Al-Breik and Abdullah Al -Hafith, football players playing Al-Hilal .

In this country, Al-Hilal made his pre-season with a view to the 2018 edition of the Professional League of Saudi Arabia, where he has just been a double champion and the team The most awarded with 15 titles.

In his last preparatory engagement, Al-Hilal defeated a 3-1 Slovenian climb distribution. In this meeting, André Carrillo debuted with the blue shirt. He played all the second half, demonstrating his wide level of football through a series of dribbling and feints that delighted the coaching staff.

André Carrillo will integrate Al-Hilal for the entire 2018 season yielded by member of Benfica, team where he has not found any specific owner since he was signed at Sporting Lisbon

In his last professional campaign, André Carrillo was part of the Watford of the Premier League (England). Started to line up in the titular scheme, but from one moment to the other lost support. This was given by the arrival of a new coach: the Spanish Javi Gracia.

  André Carrillo has just made new friends at Al-Hilal. With them, he spent a pleasant afternoon walking along the main avenues of the European country "title =" André Carrillo has just made new friends in Al-Hilal. With them, he spent a pleasant afternoon walking along the main avenues of the European country "src =" "style =" show: inline; "/> </div>
<p id= André Carrillo was recorded – through his mobile phone – while he was walking in the main streets of Austria accompanied by Salman Al-Faraj, Mohammed Al-Breik and Abdullah Al-Hafith . (Video: Instagram) [19659009] [ad_2]
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