Angie Arizaga confirmed the end of her relationship with Nicola Porcella [FOTOS] | Photo 1 of 5 | Shows | Farándula


All is finished. The Model and Member of C is the War Angie Arizaga confirmed the news of the end of his relationship with the Reality Boy , Nicola Porcella . After the Circus Conference of 1945 whose season begins July 20 at the Mall del Sur, the model spoke to the press and confessed that her relationship with Porcella had ended definitively.

I stopped talking about my private life, I try to keep her private.There was a little time I ended up with Nicola (Porcella) but everything is great, said Angie Arizaga with a shy smile.

  The model says that this time is final. (Credits: Javier Artica)

Rumors about his breakup were given for weeks since the couple was not seen together, Far from lamenting his emotional breakdown, Angie Arizaga said she was calm, like her ex-partner, Nicola Porcella "It's over, but everything is super good, we are calm." It's been a long relationship, but everything is fine, I do not like to talk about my private life, but it's inevitable ] that's the only thing I can to count, "he says Arizaga .

" It's definitely over, because of a question that everyone speculates, I go out and I say it. We finished the best way, "added Angie Arizaga .

Finally, Ang Arizaga was asked if she could be friends with her ex-partner, and the popular "negrita" surprised her with her response. "Can you be friends with the ex? Yes, you can," he said.

As recalled, Angie Arizaga and Nicola Porcella met on the set of 'This is War'. in 2012. Young people have a media romance marked by controversy. However, in recent years, the "warriors" have decided to keep their romance quiet.

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