Angie Arizaga recounted the first thing she did after her return from Russia


Angie Arizaga had the chance to be part of the 2018 World Cup Russia

Angie Arizaga returned to Lima after spending about three weeks in in Russia for the World Cup World. The & negrita & # 39; Narrated the details of his trip to America Espectáculos and confessed the first thing that she did when she walked on the Peruvian lands.

And it is that Angie spent so much time in Russia that she could not help but miss our gastronomy . The participant from & nbsp; This is War & # 39; revealed that his brother had surprised him with a ceviche at midnight.

MIRA TAMBI EN: Angie Arizaga arrived from Russia and discovered Nicola Porcella

"I arrived at midnight and my brother was waiting for me with a Ceviche (…) Peruvian food is very strange, "said Angie who realized this weekend a small detail.

"I arrived on a Thursday with three kilos less and this Friday, Saturday and Sunday, I climbed six kilos," added Angie Arizaga . The presenter of "La previa & # 39; was happy with all the experiences she had in Russia and the thousands of Peruvians who were there to cheer on the national team.

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