Angie Arizaga tries to overcome the viral challenge, but everything goes wrong | Instagram | video | Shows


More spiritual than ever. Angie Arizaga has just made public her breakup with Nicola Porcella and despite a difficult emotional moment, she was much more active on Instagram.

This time the popular 'Bold & # 39; surprised all his fans to share a video in which he adds to the sticky fever of # InMyFeelingsChallenge a very popular viral challenge in said social network . However, I did not expect everything to go as planned.

YOU CAN SEE Angie Arizaga and her first bachelor dance crazy Instagram

Hilarant. The & # 39; Negrita & # 39; from This Is War generated all kinds of comments for his most recent video in which he adds to the challenge of the road # InMyFeelingsChallenge, a popular dance challenge where the person has to to move and move to the rhythm of a moving vehicle. However, the young "warrior" did not expect that everything would not go as planned, because he could not coordinate well his steps and falls almost on the public road.

The curious video was shared in a humorous way I tried with another young woman who danced and successfully overcome the challenge. However, Arizaga took this joke as a joke, since there was no problem sharing it with all his fans, who applauded his originality and congratulated him for being always positive, even in the difficult moments of life. The video has already more than 156,000 views and hundreds of comments, congratulating the "Bold" for participating in This Is War and giving him messages of encouragement for his emotional depression.

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