Angie Jibaja: Model of heartbreaking testimony to the night she was assaulted [VIDEO] | Photo 1 of 1 | Shows


Angie Jibaja denounced a brutal assault last Friday, releasing more details of the night she was attacked. In a conversation with Fourth Estate the model told the details of what happened to the businessman Miguel Ángel Aquije

"This guy started to insinuate and tell me things that would have happened with Bryan., then I said "What are you talking about (…) I said hello, stop disrespecting my boyfriend, s & # 39; 39, please do not speak like that and he continued to make fun of it. "

According to the testimony of Jibaja the subject struck her because she tried to defend his boyfriend, who was sexually harassed by the abuser.

"When this guy continued to speak badly, I threw him He got up and told him why he was lying.He (Aquije) threw himself on him.I went to take him and prevent him to hit him. […] He returned and pushed me in. I tried to defend myself and he threw me I do not remember what s & # 39; It happened afterwards, but my boyfriend said that he hit me with a bottle in the neck and that I fell unconscious for two minutes, "he said.

Jibaja who says he does not understand the reaction of the businessman, ensures that he will continue with all the corresponding legal processes for justice to be done.

"I do not understand how a person can react aggressively against a woman, I'm still shocked, I'm afraid for my life […] that I can act against my life, "says the model.