Angie Jibaja says Jean Paul Santa María wanted to resume their relationship | video | Romina Gachoy | Shows


In the midst of an animated discussion, Angie Jibaja confessed what she's living with her ex-partner Jean Paul Santa María. The model claimed that the father of his children had asked him to resume their relationship in the midst of their discussions for the payment of child support.

In the program "Válgame Dios", Jibaja not only claimed the children's pension, but also, commented that the singer now approached her while his wife, Romina Gachoy was in Uruguay.

YOU CAN SEE Angie Jibaja loses the papers under discussion with Jean Paul Santa María [VIDEO]

The reporter of the program consulted Jibaja if Santa María & # 39; to resumed the relationship

"He is so mythomaniac that he will deny it but that he denies it, it does not matter, I do not want to destroy this part of his life.I want him to be responsible, "explained the popular" tattoo girl. "

The actress commented on the circumstances under which this scene occurred and how the singer's wife would not have known it until today.

"I think Romina has traveled sometime, right? It seems to me that she went to Uruguay, I'm sorry for Romina, I think she's a woman who has endured everything, she has been with him in the good times and the bad ones "mentioned one Jibaja uncomfortable speaking on the subject.

In another moment, Angie Jibaja is exclaimed that she is tired of talking about personal problems on television and that she is doing everything for her children In the interview, the model lawyer indicated that Santa María would be required to pay a sum equivalent to 118 thousand soles of maintenance of his children.

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