Anna Favella: "It would be a good ending for Luis Miguel to see his mother" | Shows


From Italy, the actress Anna Favella said Perú21 how was the experience of putting herself in the shoes of Marcela Basteri, the mother of Luis Miguel in the series about the life of the singer. On Sunday night, the last episode of the first season was aired and the mystery of Basteri's disappearance continues after Luis Rey's father Luis Miguel's father is not clear when he informed his son of his mother's whereabouts. . 19659006] How did you prepare to play the character of Marcela Basteri?
It was an amazing experience because I was excited to play the most important person in Luis Miguel's life. Also, it was a great responsibility to make a true story, since, as an actress, it had not happened before.

Luis Miguel's cousins ​​claim that she is alive and in a psychiatric center
There is a lot of talk about what happened to Marcela and nobody knows the truth. Let's see what happens.

Will the mystery be solved in the second season?
The truth, I do not know if it will be the second season … I can not say more because it's a surprise.

Many want Luis Miguel to finally meet with his mother.
Yes, of course! Fans and, of course, everyone wants it. It would be a very good thing. He is an artist and a star, but he will always be a son. To think one day with your mother, whom you can kiss and see, would be a beautiful ending, the most beautiful thing in the world. More than the fans (the reunion), it would be for him.

What similarities do you have with Marcela?
Marcela was Italian, from Tuscany, and this way I could imagine better putting myself in her feelings and in her mind. She traveled to Argentina, where she met her husband Luis Rey and it is also a similarity, because I did a series in this country. There, I learned to speak Spanish.

The image of Luis Rey has been largely demonized as a manipulative and naughty father of history. What is your opinion?
Yes. Luis Rey was very macho and Marcela was an orphan. She was his victim. Marcela hoped to continue with her children and had to deal with someone she did not want to talk to, and let Luis Miguel work. Poor thing! I had a mixture of feelings. He wanted to keep his family and try to cure this situation.

How was it to share scenes with actors Óscar Jaenada, who played Luis Rey, and Diego Boneta, who played Luis Miguel?
It was a pleasure to work with Óscar because he is a great actor. He likes to play and make jokes. Although it 's a talk scene, it puts a lot of energy and fun. We put together a good chemistry to act in the same direction. Diego surprised me a lot because he did a very good job and, for him, it was a big challenge to play an artist whom everyone knows how he sings and works. People like it a lot. We are happy because the cast was very good.

What do you think of Luis Miguel as an artist?
I'm his first fan (laughs). They've talked a lot about the songs he's been singing since his childhood and the songs he's dedicated to his mother, like "I've got everything but you". My song also stayed in my heart at the San Remo Festival.

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