Argentina: domestic consumption begins to decline | Trade | Economy | World


Argentina's internal consumption is in decline because of the difficult situation in its economy, marked by the weakness of the currency and the loss of power # 39; s purchase.

The latest official data on consumption dating back to April, when the Argentine peso debacle had just begun, resulted in a decline in sales of 2.1% . In addition, the business chamber of the sector estimates a decrease of 5% in June

The purchases of real estate with mortgages (one of the biggest successes of the ruling party) they fell by 26.9% in May compared to the previous month, according to the Association of Notaries Public of Buenos Aires

That same month, the retail sales of SMEs have declined by 4.8% year-on-year and in June the decline was 4.2%, according to data from the Confederation of Argentine Medium Enterprises.

The vehicle registrations that had already entered the red in May, recorded a drop of 17.2% in June and 18.2% year-on-year .

Similarly, private analysts consulted by the Central Bank predict an economy reversal of 0, 7% for the third quarter of the year.

With EFE information.

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