Argentina team: Armando Pérez calls Lionel Messi a bad example


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Apparently, the crisis that is going through the Argentine national team continues to cause criticism against the administration of the AFA and members of the distribution run by Jorge Sampaoli, especially Lionel Messi. , no one forgives that the & # 39; 10 & # 39; It was not the salvation of the albiceleste & # 39;

This time, the former president of the Normalizing Commission of the AFA, Armando Pérez, He pronounced on the problem that & # 39; 39, there is in the internal Argentina Selection, ensuring that one of the leaders is Lionel Messi.

YOU CAN SEE: Diego Armando Maradona on Claudio Tapia: "The AFA is a disaster"

"Messi is not an example, I guarantee them", declared Pérez . But that was not all, also revealed that when Edgardo Bauza directed the casting "albiceleste" asked him to leave aside the demands of the Flea .

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"I told Edgardo to do not join Messi to make the decision as a coach, but it was very difficult to refrain "he said. He also pointed out that the "gaucho" team has released the coaches. "This group has eaten all the technicians, with Sampaoli it has been shown."


Armando Pérez chaired the Normalizing Commission of AFA for two years: 2016 and 2017.

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