Argentine and Chilean consumers are the most suspicious of brands


With the Chileans, it is the consumers in Argentina who are wary of companies that operate in six sectors: food and beverages, pharmaceuticals, financial services, retail, telecommunications and automotive.

Based on an analysis The regional survey on the perception of trust, developed by consulting firm Llorente & Cuenca on a base of 4,000 surveys in nine markets (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia , Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Peru and Dominican Republic), determined that no sector of economic activity enjoys strong confidence from consumers in the region and it has identified that it is more dependent on the northern countries (Mexico, Panama and the Dominican Republic) than on the southern countries (Chile, Argentina and Peru).

In this sense, David González Natal, head of Llorente 's Consumer Engagement Zone at the global level, and one of the report' s leaders, commented that "trust is the only way out. plus The more businesses work with delicacy today and the weakening of their consumers, all efforts must be geared towards strengthening. Companies and leaders who take the lead in this area, by promoting large confidence building projects, will not only protect their business from major risks, but they will be able to steer their sectors and achieve positive results. both in their reputation and in their business. "

Argentine consumers are particularly skeptical of financial and telecommunications companies, who rate the global confidence indicator as" Vulnerable. "

The average of consolidated business confidence in America Latina reaches 7.1, considered good on the scale of confidence analyzed.


The food and beverage industry is the one that generates the most trusted in the region, in addition to having a better world reputation among Latin American consumers, the product-related aspects are the most relevant, the most important are the tests and controls, the warranty, as well as labeling information and the impact of the product on health In Argentina, the latter aspect, directly related to perceived safety, is positioned as the main one.

The pharmacist is the de uxth sector with the best positioning and confidence is determined by the effectiveness of the product, the controls to which it is subject and its impact on health. In the local case, the importance of information on the clinical trials that have been performed is remarkable.

For its part, in the retail trade, the variety of products, guarantees and adaptability as well as detailed and truthful information are essential. It should be noted that Argentina is one of the most skeptical countries vis-à-vis the sector and that trust is mainly determined by the customer experience, since most choose the 39 attribute related to the product or service as the most determining factor. In the automotive industry, warranties and quality controls are important. Even though the industry enjoys great consumer confidence, there are noticeable differences in the region. In the case of Argentina, the technical specialization in customer service is presented as key as well as other issues such as product adaptation to customer needs.

Telecommunications is an area with great challenges and with the financial sector is one of the most wary. In this area, transparency and integrity become important factors in trusting a business. In Argentina, the responsible use of data and the privacy of customers are among the priorities of customers, as is the lack of emphasis on the sale of products / services that they do not need .

The category of financial services is the worst reputation in the region. Not only at the regional level but also at the local level, distinguishing itself as the industry that generates the greatest skepticism among Latin American consumers. Being the most determining factors, good practices and ethical behavior. In Argentina, it is the sector with the weakest confidence indicators.

Specialists indicate that in this context, in a scenario where global trends such as increasing connectivity exceed 61%; the growth of e-commerce, which represents a more active and proactive consumer in its relations with companies and brands, and hypertransparency, as demand for new consumer businesses, it is important to understand that these trends do not are not only an empowering tool for consumers, but also confirms the need for businesses to consider trust as a key driver of their growth and sustainability.

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