Arson Suspect arrested as Cranston Fire Rages in California


A man suspected of having unleashed a California wildfire that spread on thousands of acres and caused massive evacuations was arrested on Wednesday night, authorities said.

The man, Brandon N. McGlover, was indicted According to a press release from Cal Fire, a state agency charged with protection against fire. The Cranston fire, as we know, spread quickly across a mountainous area east of Los Angeles.

From 16h. On Thursday, the fire spread to 7,500 acres, of which 5% were confined, said Lyn Sieliet, a spokeswoman for the US Forest Service. Mr. McGlover, 32, is also charged with triggering multiple small fires, according to the press release.

The Cranston fire began Wednesday around noon, according to the Forest Service. The entire community of Idyllwild, a mountain town about 100 miles east of Los Angeles, and other areas of the San Jacinto Mountains were evacuated on Wednesday evening .

Around noon Wednesday, the agency reported that the fire had an area of ​​about 25 acres . The fire was spread over 1,200 acres before 4:00 pm. then more than doubled in scope less than two hours later.

"It's hot, it's dry and the terrain is really steep," Ms. Sieliet said. "The humidity is low and there is a slight wind, so all these conditions contribute."

There are currently 88 major active fires throughout the United States, according to the National Interagency Fire Center. California has six, but further north, there are 15 in Oregon and 11 in Alaska.

On Wednesday, a forest fire encroaching on the Yosemite Valley, now 43,000 acres, forced the evacuation of visitors to the national park there. Last year, 44 people were killed in forest fires in California, causing damage estimated at $ 10 billion.

No Cranston fire has been reported to civilians or emergency personnel, Ms. Sieliet said. Brown of California declared the state of emergency in Riverside County because of the Cranston fire. The declaration also applied in Shasta County, northern California, where a 20,000-acre fire is on fire.

Lt. Eric Dickson, a spokesman for the police department in Hemet, California, at Idyllwild's West, said the department's agents had found Mr. McGlover driving his car after being alerted to a white Honda sedan that could be connected. fires. In the vehicle, authorities have found possible firing accelerators, said Lt. Dickson. McGlover, a native of Temecula, Calif., A southwestern town of Idyllwild, was released on bail at $ 1 million, the lieutenant said. the flames, said Ms. Sieliet. Winds were blowing east and northeast during the afternoon.

Tony Allen, the owner of Bluebird Cottage Inn, which is nestled in the San Jacinto Mountains, said he and 15 guests had left the area on Wednesday.

The fire destroyed five homes in the area, according to the Forest Service, but Allen said his inn was safe for the moment.

just ashes; there was not really anything to stay on, "he said." It was a bit surreal. "

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