Artist of the Year: Michelle Soifer tried to support Kevin Blow, but she stole the show | VIDEO | America TV | Shows


Kevin Blow still has a presentation in "The Artist of the Year", but this time he goes on stage with his girlfriend Michelle Soifer, who has robbed him of all his attention for his dance steps and of delivery on the stage of Gisela Valcárcel.

The Dominican sang and danced the song "To ask for his hand" by Juan Luis Guerra, but never waited for Michelle Soifer to steal all the applause for his stage dominance.

YOU CAN SEE Artist of the Year: Kevin Blow sang cumbia, but was humiliated by Santi Lesmes

The jury had good comments only for Michelle Soifer, but Kevin Blow was not lucky

Santi Lesmes had no mercy and said, "Normally we are talking about the artist, but I want to make an exception today. And I want to say something to Michelle Soifer, I do not consider her as a singer, dancer or actress, but for me You're the same as Lola Flores … Kevin was disoriented from the beginning of the song and I think it made you nervous because you noticed in the choreography that you were also lost, I do not know if you were eclipsing Michelle Soifer Go ahead. "

" Michelle Soifer's light was so great that all I can do is ask the production to bring me a broom and a dustpan

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