AS Roma: A multinational jokes on Twitter for missing Malcom's signature


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AS Roma had closed Malcom's signature however, Barcelona passed the batons and stayed with the Brazilian winger. The Italian club has threatened to take legal action, while it happened by being the victim of jokes.

Through social networks, the "Loba" attempted to cover embarrassment by presenting to the keeper Robin Olsen a peculiar publication using the image and mimicking Ikea, a Swedish multinational responsible for the manufacture, sale and shipment of furniture.

YOU CAN SEE: Girondis de Bordeaux technician compared Malcom with Lionel Messi

[19659004] This post has received a response on Twitter from Scandinavian society, making fun of the reverse by hiring the & # 39; & # 39 ;. garoto "The doorman is at the door, come on, maybe they've already taken the package," reads the answer that was accompanied by an image with a package and the name of Malcom.

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The message has exceeded 2,500 reactions in a few hours and allowed to continue the loading of the truck towards the painting of the Italian capital.

AS Roma will play the group stage of the Champions League for the following season.

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