Assaulted members of the rowing team


Of terror. Twenty-three athletes belonging to the Regatas Lima Club and the National Rowing Team trained at the 2019 Lima Pan Am Games and the World Rowing Championship were assaulted by six criminals in the Albuferas of Medio Mundo , in the district of Vegueta, 178 kilometers north of Lima

"We need an urgent rowing track and this is done once because we can not search anymore from places we do not have any, because the only place we have "near" was the Albufera de Medio Mundo.We will return more, "says Renzo Leon, one of the injured athletes.


The flight occurred around 9:30 pm Sunday, the young athletes, most of them aged 13 to 17, were resting in their rooms after a hard day's work. training when they were surprised by six hooded men who, armed with a rifle in their hand, forced them to leave r dining room [19659002"Sixmenhaveenteredtheplacewherewehavebeensleepingandhavebeenattackedbyoursupportteam"CamilaVallemembredofthedelegationofrowingthatwasattacked

But the greatest fear prevailed until the end. For more than 40 minutes, the athletes were kidnapped by two criminals who forced them into the darkness towards the beach.

"They had enough time to get rid of not only our electronics but also sports equipment for the practice of our sport, fortunately we are well after one of the worst nights of our lives, fortunately only things material has been lost, "says Gerónimo Hamann, an exceptional athlete.


Athletes complained of the lack of support from major sports institutions of the country, that even knowing the limitations in the infrastructure for the practice and exercise of this sport, do not nothing to improve their facilities or ensure safety in this place.

"This bad experience we do not deserve, we came here (Albuferas de Medio Mundo) to improve our performance and bring triumphs to Peru and we are targeted by six guys who are interested in their country or to their sport.Your rowing track already! ", said Camila Valle.

His partner Hamann, explained that while they were traveling to Medio Mundo, in Huacho, this was due to the lack of a good infrastructure in Lima for the practice of rowing and

Renzo León also addressed the representatives of the Peruvian Federation of Rowing, COPAL, the Peruvian Sports Institute (IPD) and the Peruvian Olympic Committee, to which he asked for a quick fix.

"How long are you going to keep waiting to make a place where you can train and compete safely, are you going to keep waiting for that to happen? go into our sport, from the organization, get to work, and do it right! The children who are the future of this sport will thank you for it, "said the young athlete.


After learning of the aggression, IPD President Oscar Fernandez revealed that he would seek support from the Ministry of the Interior to ensure the safety of athletes in the country. During their training, lack of infrastructure by the creation of a rowing track at Cañete

"Paracas is a possibility, but rowers believe that in Cañete a track of Rowing could be done and we try to reconcile the positions in the area e I do not see that this is the most ideal, they have our support because they have gained the power to have a track near Lima, "said Oscar Fernandez, who explained that in the rowing the conditions of the water layer must be very calm and no there must be waves, from where the Albufera is the ideal place.


  • The Vegueta Police Station officers would have already identified the car of the opportunity s the offenders to steal the athletes and would be after the steps from the rest of the group, which is Huacho.

Suspend the Training of Athletes

  • By a statement, Club Regatas Lima said that it was the first time that were assaulted during the 15 years of rowing practice in this city and that, due to the insecurity of the lagoon, the board of directors agreed to temporarily suspend the training to safeguard the life and integrity of its athletes.
  • They also revealed that the coordination was carried out with the police station of the sector and the municipality in order to take security measures every time their athletes spent the night in the facilities of the Peruvian Federation. rowing.
  • "We regret to report that they attacked the athletes of our club and the Federation, who were concentrated for joint training, taking away their personal belongings and tools to train," he said. they write in a statement sent to the media.

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