Automobiles, suns, money, debts, banks | Economy


According to the Association of Banks of Peru ( ASBANC ), in the first five months of 2018, 90% of new vehicle loans were contracted in national currency. A report indicates that a total of 9,326 loans have been delivered.

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ASBANC points out that the number of new vehicle credits granted in soles between January and May 2018, it reached 8 985, while in foreign currency there were only 341 new loans, a reduction of -66.93% compared to the same date the 39, last year.

The total amount granted for the acquisition of vehicles was 1 526 million soles, which means an increase of 92 million soles, while in the currency United States reported a total of $ 95 million in loans, a lower amount in 42 million dollars compared to 2017.

Similarly, the ASBANC points out that the trend towards a more Great solarization reduces the risk exchange for families.

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